Exhibitions 2023

Wow I cant believe its nearly 2023! Already I have exhibitions booked for new year. I'm really looking forward to it. Im working on Aengus the celtic love God as part of my Goddesses and Gods collection. 

I love getting up in the morning, working away in the old leaky porch it's all glass so the light is great. I don't even notice anyone going by. I live beside the canal so its peaceful there.

Im looking forward to my joint exhibition with the wonderful Caroline Barry. Title Sirens in all her phases. We will be bring this exhibition on the road. 

Soooo exciting some of the venues are Splitspace artjoint, Art in Mind Galway, Portumna Castle 

I have an exhibition in Renzo gallery in Galway and another one in Village @ Burgess 

I'm heading to an exhibition in Laragh House in Maynooth soon on the 17th of December Im looking forward to that its a fabulous looking building used for film and photo shoots so that's pretty cool.

At the moment I'm working every day on making art, sourcing prints,  getting them framed, setting up my shopify store, marketing myself and trying to get my name out there. 

Any monies I make go straight back in buying supplies, printers, framers and marketing.

I wonder what next year has to bring for me in this tough and beautiful  art life I have created for myself.
Its late in the evening and I'm off to bed

I will probably update this after Christmas

Take care all

Annie xxx