Artist statement

Artist statement 

Ann Mitchell, is a mixed media visual portrait artist based in Offaly. Her unique artistic style incorporates collage, pen, ink, acrylic paint, and gold leaf. With a background as a mosaic artist, Ann brings a distinct element to her artwork. Each portrait created by Ann carries a narrative, reflecting not only her personal journey but also conveying universal stories of the human condition.. Her artwork captures vibrant, dream-like colours and textures that both reveal the scars of life and celebrate the beauty of resilient, proud, and sensual individuals. Ann's  portraits often symbolize the strength and courage exhibited by women throughout history, evoking a sense of empowerment akin to centurions. Ann has showcased her artwork in various galleries, demonstrating her talent and versatility. Some notable exhibitions include the Chimera Gallery in Mullingar, the Luan Gallery in Athlone, and the Tilehouse Gallery in Donegal. She also took part in a 3-part exhibition cycle at TOVA, exploring nature-based and esoteric themes with exhibitions titled "I am not the body," "Hedgewitch," and "Constellations." Ann is one of the resident artists exhibiting year-round at Urban Oasis Chocolate Brown Tullamore. She has also participated in joint exhibitions such as "Raw" at The Village in Burgess and "Sirens" with Caroline Barry at Portumna Castle. Furthermore, Ann held a solo exhibition titled "Poets & Warriors" at Laragh House in Maynooth. Upcoming joint exhibition with Vincent Divine Founder of Neo-Dimensionism and the Ambigutree Series in Chocolate Brown Mullingar Through her mixed media visual portraits, Ann's  Art showcases the power of storytelling and portrays the strength and beauty found within the spirit